Sunday, February 11, 2018
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Farewells can be Hard
Friday, February 9, 2018
We awoke this morning to more scattered rain showers and a hearty meal of oatmeal. The kitchen crew has been so hardworking and careful with our meals, making sure that Taber doesn’t get any gluten, Greg doesn’t get any corn, Holden isn’t getting peanuts, and everyone is well fed. We have commented often that in past years we have expected to loose a few pounds while here. But they feed us so well it’s more likely we would gain weight even with all the trenching we participated in this week.
Speaking of Hard work, we got to play volleyball at the school today. It was included as part of the PE unit the kids have been working on and they are pretty good. As we arrived at the school the sun broke through the clouds and blessed us with 2 hours of bright, hot, steamy sunshine to enjoy playing with them. A number of the kids are those who we have known for years and even some of our sponsored kids. It is something else to see the likes of Angelo, Juan Armando, Jairon, Daniella, Juan Francisco, Anna Rosa, and so many more. We are encouraged to see them continue to grow and mature and have real hope to overcome poverty.
After lunch we had invited church and community leaders to join us for a training time. The meeting started with 15 leaders from 3 different churches and a number of community organizations as well as some interested folks from the community. By the time Greg wrapped up lessons in leadership from the book of Joshua, there were over 25 folks in attendance. We were able to connect again with Pastor Juan from the church we originally stayed in.
In our reminiscing, we were thinking back to the first time we met Silah and her 3 daughters and son. The 2nd year Cornerstone sent a team to Sierra Prieta we renovated their home and were able to purchase new mattresses for them so they could get rid of the infested ones they were using. The Chandler family has now been sponsoring Elva, one of the daughters for a number of years. During Bob’s visit to their home this year Elva shared that she will graduate from High School in September and then plans to attend University and hopes to get a job in an office in the capital. We probably wouldn’t have imagined that kids growing up in that home would have a chance to overcome the poverty and squalor of that home so many years ago.
Our internet got really squirley Thursday night but we should have regular exposure to Wi-Fi for the rest of the trip. Thank you for all of your prayers and support.
Last night a stomach bug hit Taber and by this morning Holden and Andrew caught some too. Pray they feel better soon and that no one else catches it.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Hump Dayyyyyy
Hours per day saved each household
1 hour
Number of Households
200 households
Hours per day Saved
200 hours per day
Hours per year saved
73,000 total hours per day
“Years of life” saved per year
8.3 years of time spent
Number of full-time jobs it
would take to replace that amount of time
35 (full time 40 hr per
week jobs)

After lunch we enjoyed some more Bible School with the kids. Andrew taught about Jesus calming the sea. It was a great time with lots of kids and lots of involvement. Our translator Genesis got a bad cold and had to leave, but Yacaris, wife of one of the FH staff filled in and helped us pull off the VBS.
As the VBS wound down Bob, Greg, Holden and Taber left for the final sponsored child visits. They had a great time connecting not only with the sponsored children but also their families. Some of these relationships have been building for years. And these kids are really growing up.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
In the Swing of things
Monday, February 5, 2018
Better Later Than Never
After a bit of an adventure we arrived in Sierra Prieta Sunday evening. It was delayed 8 hours as we had to wait for our baggage to arrive from Miami. It was just getting dark as we arrived, but it was a blessing to finally arrive. During our delay we attended church on Sunday morning and then enjoyed some excellent Dominican food at a local restaurant.
Once we settled into our accommodations for the week, at the community center, we were treated to be able to catch a quarter and a half of the Super Bowl. Go Eagles!
We were all blessed to see old friends and remember past times and introduce the rest of the team. The folks were disappointed that we hadn’t arrived sooner but were very glad we made it. The welcome ceremony had to be cancelled but we plan to meet with the community leaders Monday afternoon to hear more of what God has been doing here in our absence.
Monday morning brought a few adjustments. The planned building project hit a snag. We were anticipating building a house for Wilmon and his family. We met Wilmon 2 years ago, he has special needs and is one of the children Bethany with Food for the Hungry is working with to develop a physical therapy plan that his mom can continue when outside resources are not available. The land that were to build on is in question. FH has been working to clarify ownership of the ground before we invest in building house that may not end up going to the intended family. They had hoped to have everything worked out before we arrived.
Instead of home building we are helping to take the water project we worked on last year even further. At this time a number of homes have water spigots at their property lines to help alleviate the need to carry water for washing and cleaning. Monday morning we “helped” a large group of local men trench out a 3rd of a mile or so. Though the week we will help extend the trenches and install pipe.
After a lunch break we helped with some more digging and saw the delivery of more pipe. It's amazing the amount of ground covered in a single day by the men here (we were glad to be a small part). We estimated that they picked and shoveled through we'll over 1/4 mile of rocky ground.
Late in the afternoon we enjoyed the rescheduled welcome ceremony. This year it was filled with many well wishes, songs from the kids of the preschool/ early childhood class that use the community center, speeches from various community members and prayers too. They continue to say how encouraged they are by our presence. They are thankful for the commitment of our church to keep sending us.
We will work to get updates posted more timely as time and internet allow.
Everyone sends greetings to their family.