Thursday, October 24, 2013

Last full day

Much excitement
This morning started as most of our mornings have this week.  Waking up a little sticky and hot, braving a bucket shower with cold water and gathering for a simple breakfast of cereal down the street at the church by 8.  The plan for today was a softball game at 9 the lunch and a visit to the construction site.  That was to be followed at 5 with the farewell meeting and then show a movie to the community in the evening.
There was a disturbance this morning resulting from a man trying to steal a motorcycle.  The FH staff and a number of Christian leaders got involved to make sure that there was not mob justice.  The police came and took the man away.  But these events caused our timetable to be thrown off.  Praise God for those who intervened and made sure the police were called.   

Group Picture after the baseball game.
So the baseball game was started rather late but had a very fun time with the local group of boys who are being trained in baseball.  Daniel, is a very fine man who has worked with the teenagers here training them to be better baseball players.  He is such a good coach he was hired by a baseball academy to  train young men who might make it to the Major Leagues.  4 boys from Sierra Prieta are at the academy, trying to improve enough to be professional.  Daniel still comes to the community 2 days each week to help the kids learn baseball.  It’s his passion to help develop their potential.  It is a common dream to become a professional baseball player.

We played 4 innings of softball with them and really enjoyed the game and these fine young guys.  The prevailing thought was that we need to practice more before we come next time.  It was a great opportunity to build relationships with teenagers who tend to keep to themselves.  Jeff shared with them briefly after the game.

Praying at the site of the new house.
After lunch we toured the construction site one last time.  The foundation and block base for the walls is in place, but the wood had not been delivered yet, so there was no work that could be completed at this time.  But by next Saturday Aleda and her 4 kids will have a new house, whose roof does not leak every time it rains.  The leaks cause them to live at her mothers home for a while until things dry out.  Crucito, the contractor who is overseeing the project is a very fine builder and we have been very impressed by his attention to detail.  As we prayed inside the partly completed house, it was evident that this will have a huge impact for this family.  This particular project was selected by the community as they saw the need of this widow and her kids.

The farewell ceremony.
The Farewell ceremony was very humbling and reminded us that God is doing a great work here to glorify himself.  Many community members spoke of their  appreciation of not only the Team and Food for the Hungry, but also our families and Cornerstone as a church.  We assured them that many people were behind us and were faithfully praying for them and providing for this trip.  God continues to work here and we have seen great strides in the community.  It was not a time of tears, but of many Hasta Luego’s, see you laters.

Packed house emptying after  the movie.
The movie we showed this evening was Facing the Giants.  People filled the church and cheered along with the football games on screen.  It was well received and we hope that the message of Trusting God no matter the outcome was well understood.  Afterwards many people came to us to once again wish us well and to say goodbye.

We look forward to seeing God’s continued work here and believe that these people are on their way to exiting poverty in it’s various forms.  Their world view is beginning to converge with Biblical principles and truth.  And truly those who have been here are being changed as much or more.  We are very grateful for the opportunity to be here.  As we leave the community in the morning we will be encouraged by what God has been and continues to do here, and very glad for the small part we play. 

There have been so many moments small and meaning full and but and impacting that haven't fit into the blog.  Those who sent and support us can be very sure that this week was meaningful for the present age and the one to come.  Thank you so much!
Rochel leading the children's Amo Program, which teaches them Biblical values and Truth.

This is the community center we have called home this week You can't see the tarps we added to cover the holes in the roof, but you can see the outhouse with attached "shower" room to the left.
DR Bob, helping our friend Estarling with a cut. 
Construction continues on the new 2 story school 

Final Good-byes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

As the week marches on

As the week marches on, we find ourselves enjoying the opportunities to serve and the relationships with the people here and at the same time looking forward to returning home.   We are greatly enjoying the relationships we have built here.  The physical conditions do take their toll.  The things I am reminded of is that God is the same no matter the situation.  He is the same here and at home.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

This morning the teachers from the local school brought the teenagers to the church to meet with us.  We shared with them about important issues including: the importance of family units, and marriage., also waiting to have sex until marriage.  A great number of young girls here get pregnant, this pattern causes poverty to be a constant with many young single mothers.  We challenged the young men to be intentional about starting a family and impressed on them the importance of being fathers.  Other topics included goal setting and the importance of education.  But more than anything else, we were blessed to share with them a clear presentation of the Gospel. 

Group Picture with the young people we spoke to.
In the afternoon, we once again led a VBS session with the younger children. That was followed by times of singing and games.  As always the kids love to play with us and enjoy new games.
Following VBS, we were expecting a church leadership training event.  This had to be cancelled as there was a death in a nearby community and he was related to many of the church leaders.  Pray with us for God to comfort those in loss and to reveal himself in this situation. 

VBS games.
After dinner we attended the beginning of a prayer service that the other church in this community was having. It was great to have some interaction with this group.  We knew some of them from other situations, but we this was the first time we were in one of their services.  It was a blessing to worship and pray with them.

I was particularly touched today as we walked through town and Anna Rosa, one of our sponsored kids here, came up to me to ask where Holden was.  It kind of blows me away to see her recognizing the relationship, and be interested in him like he’s a big brother.  Kids here with sponsoring families are very impacted to know that someone so far away cares about them in such a significant way.  It is a great opportunity to do something small that has great relational impact.  The sponsorship relationship can be used to communicate God’s love in significant ways.

New little friends everywhere.
Also today is Lori's birthday.  So in every meeting and in between the interpreters kept singing happy birthday in Spanish.  Also the church we visited sang her a special birthday song they sing to friends.  She really appreciated the cards people from church sent with us.  At lunch we had some small cakes and lit a little candle.  It is nice to celebrate together.

Birthday celebration with cake and icecream.

Holden's pals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

From Mischief Maker to Guardian

Today we had some great opportunities.  The morning we made one sponsored child visit and then returned to the construction site.  The cement foundation was completed yesterday and we were able to help lay the required courses of cinderblock to complete the foundation and base of the home.  The leader of the community association and the agriculture association are helping work on the house too.  We are grateful for the chance to help this family in need and work alongside these men showing leadership to the whole community. 
sponsored children grow up! 
Sponsored child, finally met in person.

Sharing smal gifts with sponsored kids.

McKearny family meeting with Filipe.

Construction marching on. 
Anna Rosa and sister

Lunch meeting with Cesar

More home Visits

As we began to get going with the work we received our first rain shower of the week.  It drove us all under cover for about 20 minutes as it really poured.  Must have been a site to the people here that we were so interested in taking pictures of a regular occurrence for them. 

During our lunchtime we shared testimonies amongst our team.  Almost every person no matter where they came from, Dominican or United States, has a time of rebellion or falling away from God and then returning to him in earnest.  We were reminded that no matter the circumstances, God is patient, and he will complete the work in us that he began.  We are all in process and he works things by his timing. 

We were able to get more information about the continuing organization of the community leadership that FH has been so helpful to do.  Speaking with Cesar, we learned that without Food for the Hungry’s help and encouragement there would be no mothers and parents group who was so influential in having the local school expanded.  That those leaders along with the community leadership as well as the youth group were able to find the right places to request the school expansion by FH’s direction.  Just a few years ago, these groups were in name only if at all.

 The basis of all this work is child sponsorship.  When children in a community are sponsored, the whole community benefits.  Schools improve, community leadership is empowered, families are strengthened, vision is spread, mothers are trained in basic healthcare and so much more.  These things could be so much more if more children were sponsored here in Sierra Prieta.  If you are interested, check out the link at the top right of this page to see children in this community who still need sponsors.  So much more can be accomplished with resources we take for granted at home.  Join us in making a lasting difference to the people of this community. 

In the afternoon we spread across the rest of the community to complete home visits to sponsored children.  Carlos, our teams coordinator, spoke about the significance of child sponsorship from a very personal perspective.  He was a sponsored child and the fact that someone so far away, cared enough to sponsor him and send letters and cards, was one of the things that God used in his life to draw Carlos to Jesus.  Spending just a short time with these kids can make a lifelong difference.

Another young man in this community highlights the reality that God is working here.  We have spoken about a small boy named Juan Armondo.  The first 2 times we visited, he was a constant trouble for us. Always trying to cause mischief.  But since that time, as we and FH have worked with him, and prayed for him he has grown to become a helpful and motivated boy.  He is 11 years old.  This evening as we walked to the church for dinner, he offered to watch over our shower water as it sat in the back of the pickup waiting to be unloaded.  When we returned over an hour later he was still in the back of the truck making sure there was no mischief done.  From mischief maker to guardian.  God is working here.

Also, pray for our brother in Christ, Edward and his wife.  He got a call today as we ate lunch together that she was about to deliver their new baby by Cesarean and he needed to go join her.  Edward is leading the FH efforts in Sierra Prieta and surrounding communities with efforts to work with Children and teach them about God’s love and plan for their lives.  We hope to learn that the new son Kevin, is doing great. Maybe, we’ll have a picture to share by the end of the week.

We welcome any comments.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

Monday, October 21, 2013

So good its a Friday on a Monday!

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us and supporting us.  We have felt very encouraged and motivated knowing you are behind us.  We have enjoyed the growing camaraderie with those who came from Cornerstone, as well those from Food for the Hungry who are supporting us here.  Carlos, who we have known for 4 trips now has continued to grow in leadership and wisdom.  He is the team coordinator for FH in the Dominican Republic.  He has done a great job preparing for our arrival and taking care of our every need here.  In addition, he is a close friend who we enjoy being with.  You may remember that Carlos was a sponsored child growing up, and still keeps connected with his sponsoring family.  In addition, we have 2 excellent interpreters, Alex and Nathaniel.  Their language skills have blessed us greatly and are indispensable.  Working with them is a joy, they are fun young men who help us laugh at ourselves.

setting rebar

clearing trenches

connecting with the family

assisting with real precision construction

finished mornings work

Today was the first day of construction, we met Aleda and her 4 young kids.  Her husband died 5 months ago and their home is in very poor condition.  Her oldest son Melvin is 14.  He helped today as we worked to prepare the foundation.  There was some digging to finish out the foundation and then we helped place rebar for the coming cement.  In the afternoon while we led VBS(more on this later)  men from the community worked with Crucito, the contractor, to mix and pour the concrete foundation.  Crucito is a real professional.  We anticipate beginning the first courses of cinderblocks that will support the wooden foundation tomorrow.

Lori's VBS Illustration 
Bob teaching VBS 

After lunch, we gathered the children for Vacation Bible School.  Lori and Bob did a excellent job of communicating God’s work in creation.  That he was specific in making us and made us to love him.  The children were attentive to the lesson and enjoyed the songs we sang with them.  After the songs and lesson, we had a very fun time playing hook tag with all the kids.  Then we sat down again and some of the kids sang us songs they have learned in Food for the Hungry’s child discipleship program, Amo.
Part of Holden's Pose'

Before dinner we were relaxing and many of the kids came to join us on the front lawn of the Community center where we live while in the community.  Before long, Jeff and Bob had some baseball type games going, Lori and Corianne had their hair being “done” by some young friends, while Greg and Holden were being piled upon by many of the younger kids.  We really enjoyed this impromptu time.

What pretty hair!

Pick me pick me!

Magnetic Personality

Tomorrow we will be splitting up a bit, to do construction both morning and afternoon, while the rest of the team makes home visits. Wednesday will include some meetings for training with the youth group, church leaders, VBS and possibly an evening service.  We hope to have a meeting with the community leaders, play softball and will have the farwell meeting on Thursday.   Friday morning will find us leaving the community, in anticipation of our Saturday departure.

Old Familiar Friends

Everyone sends greetings to their families at home.  We love you!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday First Full Day

For a day that was not especially full we found ourselves rather busy. Everyone mentioned that despite the bar music and heat, that sleeping was rather comfortable, especially after the electricity came on and brought with it the fans.  The morning was planned for organizing and after that we just hung out with some of the young people and played games with kids.  The games with the kids ended up with an impromptu VBS, Alex and Greg led some songs and then Jeff shared a brief lesson about creation.  In the afternoon we spent more time enjoying kids and seeing old friends.  Then the welcome ceremony where the leaders of the community groups each said a special word of welcome and thanks to our group.  The meeting was led by Rochel, a young lady who is teaching in the Amo Program (a kids Bible class) and is studying to be a teacher.  We were greeted by the presidents of the Community Association, the Mother’s Group, the Youth Group, and the Agriculture Association. The warm greeting we received from the community was echoed by the FH Staff led by Kelvin, Cesar and Carlos.

At the welcome each of us was able to share our gratitude to the community.  Holden did an especially good job of speaking to the whole group at the welcome.  He really put himself out to the kids his age and younger.  He and Corianne spent the day with 1 to 4 kids on their hands.  They are highly popular with all the kids.

During the morning we were able to learn how to play Dominican dominoes.  It’s a very common for everyone to play here.  It’s a 2 on 2 game with only 7 dominoes each.  Maybe we can continue to play this with the young people here and continue to build relationships with them.

This evening we had a church service, opened in music by the church and then some songs led by our interpreters Alex and Nathan.  We were invited to sing a few worship songs in English.  Then Jeff preached.  His message spoke of God’s intentionality in creating us.  We were created on purpose and for a purpose.  That is to love, treasure and enjoy God. The group was not as large as we would hope but we praise God that his word was heard clearly.

Tomorrow brings us to the beginning of our work project.  We will be building a house from the ground up starting with digging the foundation then cement and a few courses of blocks.  We expect a number of community members to be working with us all week.  Hopefully we will build some excellent relationships with the other workers and the family who we are building it for.  Pray for this project and this family.  There had been talk of us building the foundation for the building that will house the new water filtration system, but the family we are building a home for is in extreme need.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Arrival in Sierra Prieta

Wow what a day(s) after 24 hours of travel in 3 states and 4 airports we were so glad to arrive in the Dominican Republic.  The key word for our travels was PATIENCE followed by flexibility.  Praise God we did in the end arrive safely with a few hours of sleep  behind us.
JFK airport sunrise

We were greeted at the airport by our familiar friends heat and humidity.  But even better was the greeting by our brother Carlos his girlfriend Jennifer, and our interpreters, Alexandro and Nethaniel.  It’s like we’ve said before, as soon as our team touches down in the Dominican Republic it grows instantly. 

New Friends young and old.
After a quick lunch we were on to Sierra Prieta.  Even before we unloaded old friends were waiving greetings to us.  We were warmly greeted at every turn.  We ran in to many old friends.  Vasilia, Pastor Sedundo, Guadalupe, Yajirah, Christina, Carlos, and little ones like Anna Rosa, Juan Armando, Yaren, Leoni, and so many others.  Jeff mentioned that it is incredible the greeting we get.  There is surely a significant connection. In addition our friends on the FH staff blessed us with their continual support.  It was great to see Kelvin and Cesar again.
Greeting Yahira

One of our sponsored kids, Anna Rosa 
We are once again staying in the community center.  It has been fixed up a little bit more and the roof mended.  Right now we are waiting out the music from the outdoor bar down the street.  Really looking forward to the electricity cycling off so they stop. 

Holden imagined Sierra Prieta as a wide open plains type samll town, with clear views from house to house and streets somewhat laid out, like we find in Wyoming.  What he found is a community connected by winding roads through jungle foliage. Some homes right next to each other and others separated by a dense curtain of plant-life.  In it all he found new friends as did we all.  He was especially drawn to the multitude of small children following and interacting along our ways.

Already we have seen great strides taken since last year.  Kelvin shared with us that many here have followed the teaching we shared last year.  The community has gotten very organized and compelled the government to expand the school.  In a few months the project will be complete.  They will go from serving 1 to  6 grades in split shifts to serving grades 1 to 8 in full day classes and serving  1 or 2 meals to make sure the kids are well fed and prepared to learn.  We also learned that FH is raising funds to put in a water filtration unit on the community well.  They hope to make it possible for everyone in Sierra Prieta to have clean drinking water at a very low or no cost.  This will have great impact on the health of especially the young ones here.
New school construction of classrooms and kitchen.

God bless you all.  We anticipate a great week of building relationships and seeing God work.  Pray for our youngest team member to find comfort in very unfamiliar circumstances, especially all the nighttime noise. We are blessed to be surrounded by such a supportive team of people.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to some planning and getting a few more things organized.  We'll have a welcome ceremony with the whole community and Jeff will be preaching in the local church service tomorrow night.  We found out our work project will be to build a home for a family much in need of one.

God Bless!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Summary Information 2013

Thank you so much to everyone taking interest in our trip.  If this is your first exposure to our ministry in Sierra Prieta I want to share with you what brings our church, Corrnerstone Community Fellowship, to participate in this way.

History - In the winter of 2007-2008 the leadership of Cornerstone began growing a vision for more direct involvement in international missions.  We became connected with Food for the Hungry, attracted by one of their slogans "We go to the hard places."  That summer we sent a vision team to the Dominican Republic to look at potential communities to partner with in a Community 2 Community relationship.

That fall we began sponsoring children in Sierra Prieta, a small, poor, isolated community in the hills about an hour outside of Santo Domingo.  Our first trip to minister in Sierra Prieta was in the Fall of 2009.  Since then we have brought teams from our church each fall.  In this Community 2 Community relationship we want to build relationships and support the Food for the Hungry staff who work in the community on a daily basis.

The goal is to help change their worldview, assisting them to overcome poverty in all of its forms.  For a great exploration of poverty and its devastating impact on the whole person read this portion of the training material about Understanding Poverty.  In short, poverty is the result of broken relationships.  These are in different realms physical(with the environment), social(with other people), spiritual(with God), and relationship with ourselves.  The repair of these relationships is not overnight and doesn't come because we tell someone to do things differently. Just as we need time and help to work through our broken relationships, so also do other people.  Our desire is that we help the FH workers in Sierra Prieta work themselves out of a job in a 8 to 12 year time frame.

We very much want to see this community become a place where healthy families thrive, where jobs are available, and where Christ's glory is known.  If you read our past year's blogs you'll find that we have seen God work in Sierra Prieta to begin this process of healing relationships.  The FH staff there are so important to the process and we are so glad that we can support their work through child sponsorship and our short visits.  If you'd like to sponsor a child in the Sierra Prieta area you can do so through by following the link in the upper right.

We are going because lives are changed through relationship.  Each of us can look at our lives and see pivotal moments were influenced more by relationships than by other things like money, location, and even education.  Change comes through relationship so we go to build relationships, so show people they are valuable, and to support the staff who work in the community daily to build relationships and help people in ways tangible and intangible.

In this maybe you'll look at your relationship opportunities a little differently too.  Consider the value of your relationships be they deep or not and look at how you can influence others for life change through your relationships.  Just as Christ offers us the ultimate change through relationship with him.

 Though one of the team members couldn't be there last Sunday we had an encouraging time of send-off as the church gathered around the team and prayed for the trip, our families staying home and Sierra Prieta.

Thanks for reading and following along.  I'm looking forward to a great trip.