Thursday, December 2, 2010

Final Services


The farewell was very touching but somewhat rushed, as it was getting dark and at this time of the evening the community did not have electricity. A number of the community leaders spoke of the blessing this project had been to the entire community. It was touching to see the unity they have, as this year our work project was only in one location but all of them enjoyed the success. The youth spoke and thanked us for being there and seem to be taking ownership of improving the community as well. We also were able to thank them for their great hospitality and continual care.

This week had been challenging and wonderful and the unity we have had as a team has been a blessing from God. Though we all miss our families at home immensely, everyone has spoken of how much we will miss each other and the relationships we have built over this last week. It has been our hope and prayer that “they will know you are my disciples by the love you have for one another”.

The evening service followed the farewell ceremony and was well attended. It was especially encouraging to see a family that we have built a relationship with over the last 2 visits attend, as well as a number of young men and a number of sponsored children we had not seen before outside of their homes. The message focused on coming out of the darkness and into the light. As an illustration we passed out glow sticks, which they had never seen before, and then turned out the lights. As Greg preached about how following Jesus results in never walking in darkness the lights were activated, much to the surprise and wonder of all in attendance. Also in speaking of hiding in the darkness an illustration of a rat hiding in corners was used. At just this time a rat showed itself hiding in the rafters. After the service one young man of about 11 years old came forward to accept Christ and spent some time with the pastor.

We spent some great time together that evening and many turned in a little early in anticipation of an early departure.

We leave missing our friends both old and new and with great anticipation of what God is doing here. We are just on the ground floor of what is happening here. It will be very exciting to see where he takes this community.

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