This evening I am really struggling to communicate through the blog. It’s like writers block, and kind of a distracted writer’s block. There are so many things going on even at 10:30 at night. There are a number of conversations going on around me and my mind is a little bit shut down here in the middle of the night. But I feel responsible to share with all of you what God has been doing and how we have been blessed to serve him today.
We had a relatively normal day today. One exciting opportunity today was when Bob and Lori were able to share with the students at the school about issues related to HIV and pregnancy. In the morning they spoke to mostly the younger children and shared with them about Gods plan for one man and one woman to be married for all their lives and to keep themselves only for each other. They related to us that it went well but they were surprised at how young they were. In the afternoon they had the opportunity to share the same information with older children. This time was quite an eye opener. In the course of the discussion they received many questions, including from one of the teachers. She asked if it was better for the boys to approach the girls or vice-a-versa. Their answer was received with some surprise. They related to how God’s plan was for that to wait until marriage. The FH staff was very pleased that Bob and Lori could share so clearly. They will continue to bring this message to the young people here.
While the seminar was going on at the school there was a team of people visiting their sponsored children and another working on the house we are repairing. The home visits went in normal encouraging fashion. It seems as though the younger the sponsored children are the more likely it is that they connect well with the sponsors. It seems to be related to being older and more self-conscious. Still it is good to connect. The group visiting homes was able to stop and offer condolences in the home where a woman died earlier this week. It was a blessing to the family that they would stop by.
At the building site the morning went by very quickly. The Dominican part of the crew tore the roof off and replaced the tin with new sheet metal. In the mean time the ground bound Americans built a door and some windows. In the afternoon it went much slower. The home was built of limbs and branches of sturdy wood placed into the concrete foundation. It is a relatively strong frame but incredibly crooked. Nothing is close to square and the lack of power tools makes some adjustments very challenging. In short it took most of the afternoon to frame out part of a doorway. We hope that it goes faster tomorrow. In the morning while the guys worked some of the ladies were able to spend time with the children of the house. They have become very special kids to us especially as they are some of the poorest in the community. This does nothing to dampen their spirit and curiosity.
The afternoon brought another VBS as well. The children here continue to be a great blessing for us. Each one has a special smile and we can hardly turn around without 1 to 5 of them looking for a hand or a game or just some attention. Praise God for the opportunity to love them.
In the evening we had another service. It held more great times of testimony, this time from Terry. She was able to communicate how God has blessed her and brought her to value him above all things. Bob preached a clear gospel message from John 3:16. The people showed much appreciation for his message and I was particularly encourage to see that a few of the young men in the community had chosen to attend.
Please be in prayer for the pastor of the local church. He had to be taken to the city because of a headache that we believe was some sort of infection. We hope that he will be able to return before we leave.
We wish everyone at home a happy Thanksgiving and though we they do not celebrate this holiday here we with be giving great thanks along with our Dominican brothers and sisters.
The week is already winding down. Pray that we make the most of every opportunity.
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