Dan with Jahaira and family |
We had a lot of anticipation this
morning for the events of today. Visits to sponsored children are
always a highlight of the trip and today was no exception. Today we
visited 4 of 7 sponsored children we have between the 3 of us. It
has been just wonderful to be a part of the lives of these amazing
kids over the last few years. We all value the opportunity to
connect with, encourage, pray for and learn from them. One of the
ones that continues to impact all of us is Dan's sponsorship of
Edwin. He is 10 and his brother Scarling is 8. Their mother Jahaira
was widowed about 4 years ago and despite the obvious real pain she
lives with she always has the greatest smile. It is clear that she
is grateful for even the limited exposure the boys have to Dan. The
relationships they have are very precious.
Bob visiting with Paquita |
Other homes we visited today we those
of Paquita, Christopher and Anna Rosa. We really are blessed to see
them and try to encourage them and their families. So many times
they are without parents close by due to work or in other cases the
parents are out of work and at home but disappointed they cannot
provide a consistent income for their family.
Greg and Anna Rosa |
Christopher and his family |
the parents meeting |
Bob speaking about health issues |
The afternoon was a challenge and a
joy. We had a meeting with many of the adults of the community. It
was a conversation intended primarily for parents but other adults
attended as well. It was a very productive time. Bob shared
extensively about the impact of clean drinking water, balanced
nutrition, and some other basic but vital pieces of health
information. They were very attentive and interested asking many
different questions. Dan shared very effectively about the
challenges of being a single parent and many issues that effect
children of divorce. It was ell received and appropriate for this
community with many broken families. A number of parents asked
questions which he handled better than Dr. Phil. Then Greg shared
some concepts of parenting and discipline which led to discussions
including how to teaching kids responsibility with money(thanks Dave
Ramsey). Then as we opened it up to general questions a discussion
about how we were going to bring them jobs came up. We were able to
communicate that we were not here to bring resources. God has
provided all the resources they need. We have come to help protect
the most vulnerable and help them all develop the resources they have
so they can take the lead in creating their own solutions to the
challenges they face. After some time in the conversation we saw a
few different people really start to get the concept. The final
things we shared was that the greatest need we have is to find hope
in Jesus Christ.
In the evening we planned to have a
movie but some damaged equipment made that impossible. We worked for
over an hour and borrowed DVD players and spliced cords but to no
avail. The group waited patiently and graciously accepted our
request for a rain check until Friday night. Other options were
available but too far away for the evening.
Wilson his wife and 2 young daoughters |
Some great relationships have continued
to develop with people of the community. Wilson and his family. our
first friend in Sierra Prieta, have been around helping us and have
been involved in everything each day. It is very exciting to see his
growing interest in things of God. Manuel, has been a young leader
in the community since we arrived 4 years ago. He takes time from
his hair cutting busienss and university studies to help us. He is
one of the really great role models in the community. Rachelle, is
18 years old and is the assistant leader of the Amo program. She
works with the FH staff to lead the kids in their weekly Bible study
lesson. They are focusing on learning principles for Godly living.
She helps us all the time. We really appreciate these and so many
more special relationships
Rachelle and her ever present smile |
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