Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday of Blessings

We were so tired when we arrived Saturday we didn't notice the weather too much.  Now that we have spent a little time here we are very blessed to know we can still sweat as well as ever.

This was our view in church this morning - quite the packed house.
This morning we attended church in Santo Domingo.  It was enlightening and encouraging to see the packed house that had a similar feel to Cornerstone.  The worship band led in songs that we knew the tune for with the Spanish words on screens. The encouraging and Biblical message was even translated into English via wireless headsets.  Seeing a church with Biblical passion for the lost was a real blessing.

Reunions with Sponsored Kids!
Guadalupe and our interpreter Daniel at the Welcome.
Rafelina and her grandmother.
Old friends - called to us as soon as we arrived.
For lunch we headed to the community.  It was a great time to reunite with old friends and to make a few new ones.  After eating the typically incredible spread of food, we toured the community and found some more old friends.  The warm welcome from everyone, while familiar, is no less encouraging and motivating.  We send greetings back from Wilson, Gregorio, Guadalupe, Vassilla, Pastor, Juan Armando, Yairan, Enerfries, Juan Rafiel, Christia, Paquita, Edwin, Escarling, Wilmon, Leoni, Rachel, and so many more. At the welcome meeting we were encouraged to treat Sierra Prieta as our home and told that we would always be welcome and be a part of the community.  We were welcomed by representatives from many parts of the community, including the community leadership group, young people's group, catholic church, local church, mother's group and more.

Plush living arangements
Our living arrangements often bring a surprise and this year is no exception.  The community center where we have stayed the last 2 years is being used for the Amo Program, a weekly children's Bible program so we are staying at the regional office for FH in Yamasa.  It is a big step up from before with tile floors, consistent electricity and an actual bathroom.  But this puts us about a 1/2 hour drive from the community.

This week we have some new opportunities due to the smaller size of our team.  Each of us will be teaching and giving input to the community based on our background and training.  Dan will be observing at the school and giving input to the teachers on discipline, morale and any teaching issues he can address.  Bob will be speaking to different groups, including mothers, parents and young people about issues from pregnancy health, to general hygene to healthy sexual relationships.  Greg will be preaching and meeting with church leaders from 3 different churches to do training in church leadership and then will be meeting with community leaders to share about Biblical leadership issues.  We will have some overlap in the leadership training, parenting workshop, one day VBS and will make home visits together. Another new opportunity will be to have a basketball clinic.  Basketball is 2nd to baseball here but still very popular and a group of kids has begun playing here regularly.  Other events planned for this week include a number of evangelistic home visits, sponsored children home visits, a movie night, baseball game and an outreach service.  We pray that God shines his light into many lives during our time here.

More old friends!

Please pray specifically for these events that God will work in the lives of lost people to draw them to himself and make them kingdom laborers.  Thank you for being our partners.

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