Friday, January 22, 2016

All Glory is Yours

See You Later Sierra Prieta!
I have been so impressed upon today by how many people are doing so much extra to make it possible for us to be here.  From our families at home taking up our slack, to those who worked hard and earned money that they gave, to the FH staff who work to tirelessly to provide us with safety, comfort and food, to our interpreters who leave behind life and family and home to serve alongside us, to the ladies from Sierra Prieta who work through the day in a hot kitchen rise early and stay late to feed us, those who pray for us, those who encourage us, the folks who sponsor kids to provide for the staff and community, we are really such a small part of this trip and beyond that our trip is such a small part of what God is doing here. 
Lori and the Kitchen Faithful
This week we had the privilege of speaking with Food for the Hungry’s Country Director for the Dominican Republican Haiti, Tom Magnham.  Tom thanked Cornerstone for coming so faithfully and encouraged us to continue.  He told me that the trips we take to Sierra Prieta are always spoken of highly by both the community, and the staff.  The motivation we are able to provide is invaluable to the process of community transformation.  I complimented him on the staff both new and old as having a great heart for the work and the Lord.  He shared that they all see the work as a calling and that their selection process doesn’t complete unless they are convinced that the new person is not only gifted and skilled but also called.  We have been greatly blessed as a team by that reality.

Taina Presenting Julia with her certificate of Appreciation from FH.
The FH staff who have taken great care of this week include Taina, who traveled over a half hour by motorcycle to our location, leaving before her child gets up and returning after she is asleep for most of the week.  She has been like a team mom for us always overseeing the kitchen and looking after us, taking care of Lisa as she fought her cold and spending hours braiding Julia’s hair.  Her normal responsibilities with FH are to interact with the children and make sure they are getting the care, motivation and education they need.

Jorge (or George) is another FH staffer who spent a great deal of time with us this week.  He works in transformative relationships with the church and community leaders.  He has a great heart for the lord and the Bible.  He’s also great with kids and we worked together well, already talking about strategy for our next trip. 

Dan Saying Good Bye Prayers with his Sierra Prieta Family
The community center building project is now well underway.  On Wednesday, while we were at the school there was a large turnout of men from the community.  They got a great deal of work completed and we were told to expect to sleep there next year when we come. The promise of regular medical care and even advice will greatly increase quality of life in the community.
Lots of progress on the Community Center.
In the morning today, we packed up and said many good-bye’s to the community members and FH staffers.  We were sad to leave our friends and they all told us “see you later”.  On the way to the hotel where we were to stay for a night before heading to the airport we got news that all flights to the East Coast were cancelled.  We have been rescheduled but please pray that the new flights are not interrupted by the severe weather.

Thank you all for your support, prayers, and interest.  We are looking forward to seeing our families again soon.


  1. Yeah God! So grateful for all of your hard work. Nice job again Greg on keeping us informed. We miss all of you and look forward to your return. Will keep u in our prayers for a safe return.

  2. Praying for safe travels and as few delays as possible! Praise the Lord for taking such great care of everyone. Thanks Greg, for the awesome photos and updates.
